Highlights from November 2022

Sustainable Business Movie and Networking Event

The Better Business Partnership (jointly funded initiative by Ku-ring-gai, North Sydney and Willoughby Councils) hosted a screening of sustainable movie Regenerating Australia followed by a panel Q&A with founder of Cropswap and Grow Gather Graze Laurie Green and members of Ku-ring-gai Council.

Over 60 people enjoyed the inspirational short film and networking session which followed. 

A Dilly Business Christmas

Wollondilly Women in Business and Wollondilly Shire Council ran a networking evening with guest speaker Sarah Rowan. Sarah Rowan is a speed artist who spoke on the importance of creativity, communication and customers in your business.

Eighty people attended this event at the NSW Rail Museum.

The Outdoor Industry Masterclass

Outdoors NSW & ACT held a two-day intensive masterclass for businesses in the outdoor industry in Ulladulla. The workshops covered mental health, indigenous interpretation, relevant research for the industry, SafeWork compliance and included plenty of networking opportunities.

Over 50 people attended these sessions with one participant saying ‘we loved the mental health session and the little snippets from every session’.

Evolving for Success

Forster Tuncurry Business Chamber held a networking evening with guest speaker Michael Thurston, General Manager Destination North Coast. Michael shared insights on the NSW Government’s Visitor Economy targets, how they relate to the Mid Coast and identified opportunities to strengthen and grow the region’s visitor economy. Year 11 students from Great Lakes College Entrepreneur Program were also invited to attend and pitch their idea to local small businesses.

There were over 100 participants at this event. 

The Power of Building Community

Moree Chamber of Commerce held an evening panel session focusing on the power of building community. Each panelist talked about how they built strong networks in their business and professional lives, the benefits gained from these networks and overcoming challenges in building support systems. 

Over 60 people attended this session and were able to ask questions and network after the panel session.

Find Hidden Talent

Bara Barang, the Central Coast’s Aboriginal employment and training service held a workshop and networking session for seventy people. They brought together Government initiatives and investors, industry partners, education providers and community members to explore recruitment experiences.

The event promoted business to business collaborations between mainstream business and Aboriginal business to increase supply chain diversity and shape workforce plans. 

Developing a Viable Food Business Plan

FoodLab Sydney held a workshop for 74 food entrepreneurs. The workshop covered the basics of writing a food business plan including competitor analysis, developing a unique value proposition, sales and distribution channels, costing and approvals and regulations for the industry.

There were over 25 different cultures of business owners in the room highlighting the great diversity of food entrepreneurs in Sydney. 

Wee Waa Connect for Success Business Luncheon

Wee Waa Chamber of Commerce and Narrabri Shire Council held a business luncheon for nearly 70 local business community representatives.

While enjoying a delicious lunch from local business Little House on Rose, participants heard from founders Daniel Allan and Ed Ross of Trademutt Workwear, a social enterprise company that is starting important conversations in the workplace around mental health.

Truckie Tuesday: Health and Wellbeing Webinar

The Livestock, Bulk and Rural Carriers Association Inc and OzHelp Foundation held four webinars across the Tuesdays in November. Over 110 people listened in to the webinars which focused on supporting small transport businesses and professional drivers focus and improve their mental and physical health while on the road.

Specific topics covered included heart health, nutrition, general health and wellbeing, mental health and financial health.

Future Charge Your Business

East Connect held a breakfast event at Maroubra Beach with keynote speaker Kate Mills, media personality and entrepreneur, who talked about creativity and future charging your business.

Over 30 attendees enjoyed this speaker session and networking that followed.

Digital Masterclass: The Essential Small Business Workshop

Clarence Valley Council hosted a Digital Masterclass in partnership with Enterprise Plus and the Australian Small Business Advisory Service. Participants learned best practices for marketing their business online.

Over 30 local small businesses attended this session and gained confidence to manage their business in the online world.